Luxury Summit

08.00     Doors Open

09.00     Welcome

09.15      Opening Session

09.30     Felicitas Morhart: "Global Megatrends And The Luxury Industry" (Intro)

09.40     Felicitas Morhart, Jana Arden, Huw Jones: "Global Megatrends And The Luxury Industry" (Panel)

10.25      Coffee Break

10.50      Gzim Hasani: "Investing In Luxury Assets" (in German)

11.10      Cecilia Tessieri Rabassi: "The Chocolate Of Tomorrow"

11.30      Steve Varsano: "The Jet Setter"






12.00      Lunch Break

13.30     Welcome Back

13.45     Sarah Schlagenhauf: "Luxury & Web3: Wild Wild Web"

14.15     Tobias Reichmuth: "Longevity: The New Wealth Is Health"

14.45     Yannick Blättler: "What Does Luxury Mean For Gen Z?"

15.15     Coffee Break

16.00     Justin Fuchs: "From Youtuber to Fashion Designer" (in German)

16.30     Guè: "Talking About Rap, Money And Fame"

17.00     Closing

17.10      Apéro