Living the American dream

Die WU Executive Academy und Forbes verlosen 15 Tickets für eine Podiumsdiskussion mit Roger Martin am 15. November 2017.

Prof. Roger Martin, one of the world's leading business thinkers and Director of the Martin Prosperity Institute at the Rotman School of Management, will be one of the key note speakers of this year's Global Peter Drucker Forum in Vienna.

The WU Executive Academy is honored to host a podium discussion with Roger Martin on November 15, 2017.

For some time, Roger Martin has been thinking about the issue of prosperity – what drives it, who creates it, who benefits from it? One of the aspects of that thinking is on the issue of good jobs and the future of work. While many others are focused on how service jobs are going to be disrupted and replaced by technology, Roger and the Martin Prosperity Institute are interested in what can be done to augment those jobs and tap into the full potential of the humans who are currently employed.

Forbes verlost 15 Tickets für je 1 Person unter allen Formularteilnehmern. Die Gewinner werden per E-Mail benachrichtigt. Anmeldungen werden bis zum 9. November angenommen.

Alle weiteren Informationen sind hier zu finden.

Niklas Hintermayer,

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