Asking the right questions

Not many businesses have experienced change like the media industry has. Journalist Helene Aecherli thinks that this represents an opportunity as well – for more D&I.

Do you worry about the future when you look at operating models within the media industry?
Of course, we are under severe financial pressure. People are not willing to pay for information any longer. But this does not only have to do with digitalization, it’s about the change of the economy as a whole. Still, journalism is surviving.

All these changes could also encourage more D&I …
I think that it is a very slow development. I don’t see a lot of quick change in the media business. But the awareness is there. It’s also about asking the right questions. Do you only talk with women about part-time jobs and childcare? Or do you talk about these topics with male CEOs as well?

Helene Aecherli
... writes for Swiss women’s magazine Annabelle. In her reporting, she focuses on gender and human rights issues.

Does the dialogue with women who have made similar experiences make things easier?
Absolutely. There’s a great openness. Events like EY’s ‘Women in Industries’ are great to make women in the industries more visible, to show female CEOs. And thus, demonstrate to younger people: They can do it, so you can do it as well.

Helene Aecherli was guest at the EY "Women in Industries"-Event on November 15 in Zurich:

Klaus Fiala,

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