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Hintergrund und Inspiration: Aric, könnest du uns mehr über die Anfänge von Modbar erzählen? Was hat dich und deinen Bandkollegen inspiriert, dieses innovative System zu entwickeln?
Background and Inspiration: Aric, can you tell us more about the early days of Modbar? What inspired you and your bandmate to develop this innovative system? The co-founder, Corey, and I played together in a band, and he introduced me to specialty coffee. He had worked as a roaster and barista in our small town and was frustrated with a barrier in between him and the customers. We decided to try to build an „invisible machine“ that would invite the customer to be part of the process in making and learning about coffee.
By splitting the machine into individual components, we found that we could also offer our customers the opportunity to tailor their workflow and design the experience that they wanted in their space.
We were inspired by hi-fi and professional music equipment to place the components in the modules below the counter. The shape of the espresso tap was more difficult. Eventually, we modeled the design after a diving whale. It seemed to be a good fit, with its tail extended above the surface but the bulk of the creature below. If you look closely, you can see the influence of the whale’s tail, replacing the fins with the espresso group.
Feedback der Baristi: Wie haben Baristi auf die Modbar-Technologie reagiert? Gibt es spezifische Rückmeldungen oder Geschichten, die dir besonders in Erinnerung geblieben sind?
Barista Feedback: How have baristi reacted to the Modbar technology? Are there any specific comments or stories that have particularly stayed with you?
It can be overwhelming not to have a machine to hide behind and for everything you do to be on display. However, most quickly adapt and appreciate the connection across the bar and the ability to show their talent, showcase the coffee, and connect with their customers. It reminds me again of music in that playing on a stage in front of people is difficult but also much more rewarding than playing alone.
Anpassungen und Innovationen: Seit der Einführung im Jahr 2013, welche Verbesserungen oder Weiterentwicklungen gab es bei Modbar, um den sich wandelnden Bedürfnissen der Kunden und Baristi gerecht zu werden?
Adaptations and Innovations: Since its launch in 2013, what improvements or developments have been made to Modbar to meet the evolving needs of customers and baristi?
The most significant changes have come from our association with La Marzocco. While La Marzocco helped us to launch Modbar in 2013, it was 2018 when we began to design and engineer equipment together jointly. This started with Modbar AV, which was designed to be as simple to use, consistent, and reliable as any La Marzocco machine. We incorporated La Marzocco technology and componentry directly into Modbar AV, working with the very talented and much larger engineering team at La Marzocco.

Zukunftsausblick: Was sind deine Visionen für die Zukunft von Modbar und wie siehst du die Rolle dieser Technologie in der Weiterentwicklung der Kaffeekultur?
Looking Ahead: What are your visions for the future of Modbar, and how do you see this technology contributing to the evolution of coffee culture?
It’s been amazing to see Modbar evolve, and I’m proud of everyone involved with it. As time passes, I think we can continue to help redefine the coffee bar with innovations and improvements. Our R&D team is always working on exciting things, and we look forward to sharing them when they are ready!
Persönliche Reflexion: Rückblickend auf deine Reise mit Modbar, was waren die wertvollsten Lektionen, die du gelernt hast, und was würdest du anderen aufstrebenden Innovatoren im Bereich Gastronomie-Technologie raten?
Personal Reflection: Looking back on your journey with Modbar, what have been the most valuable lessons you've learned, and what advice would you offer to other aspiring innovators in the field of hospitality technology?
Creating something new is very, very difficult and impossible to do alone. We’ve faced challenges in design, running a business, and supporting our customers. We were able to overcome these challenges thanks to teamwork and relationships that we built, as well as perseverance. Modbar wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the
support of our colleagues, our customers, and our friends and family.