Freedom International Group launches its unique qTest, thanks to an accredited partnership with Torello Lotti, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome, Academician of the Italian Republic, launches its unique qTest. It will help you quickly and easily determine what your body presently needs.

Professor Lotti created qTest, an original process by crossing two diverse tests based on determining the body's oxidation level and the saliva's pH as a universal diagnostic biomarker.


An innovative algorithm for your health care

Thanks to an accredited partnership with Torello Lotti, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome, Academician of the Italian Republic, we’re launching our unique qTest. It will help you quickly and easily determine what your body presently needs. Professor Lotti created qTest, an original process by crossing two diverse tests based on determining the body's oxidation level and the saliva's pH as a universal diagnostic biomarker.

What is pH?
The pH abbreviation is used to describe the chemical level of acidity and alkalinity of a substance. pH = 14 is the most alkaline and pH = 0 is the most acidic. In the middle of the spectrum is pH = 7 – this is the level pure water has. Black coffee and vinegar, for example, are acidic, with a pH < 7. Sea water and antacids are alkaline, with a pH > 7.

What is REDOX?
The term REDOX comes from Reduction-Oxidation. This proper balance is every human cell's basic and constant biological mechanism for maintaining its healthy state. The most dangerous imbalance is excessive OXIDATION, which is not compensated for by sufficient reduction.

Our test system responds to an oxidation-reduction chemical reaction, or redox (short for reduction-oxidation), which is crossed with the level of pH saliva to determine the unique position of each individual taking the test.

The intervention of antioxidants can prevent enzymatic rusting and its consequences. Similarly, human cells respond to enzymatic oxidation, which can be prevented with proper antioxidant intervention. With our innovative approach, adaptogens will be selected according to the available data, and the duration of treatment will depend on the subsequent repeated pH-REDOX test results.

Our strategy to fight aging and maintain active longevity is based on data and hypotheses recognized by the global scientific community.

qTest is not for diagnostic use and is not used to diagnose a disease. The results must be interpreted as indications of the antioxidant situation of the subject and their state of well-being. Made in Italy by H&D Srl Strada Langhirano 264/1A - Parma (Italy).

Kickoff presentation May 10 at the University Guglielmo Marconi – Rome

For more information please visit our website or contact



Freedom International Group is an investment company with several billion dollars of assets under management. Freedom's business ecosystem is developing in 19 countries, including the USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, and various European countries, such as Austria, Germany, Italy. As of today, the company’s investment portfolio consists of 48 projects with the following having already been brought into the market.

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